
Backspace                                           Left Arrow Key (CTRL-H)
Tab                                                 Tab Key        (CTRL-I)
Line Feed (Down One Line)                           Down Arrow Key (CTRL-J)
Up (Up One Line)                                    Up Arrow Key   (CTRL-K)
Clear Screen (Form Feed) [MCI \f1]                  CTRL-L
Carriage Return (Move To First Column)              Return Key     (CTRL-M)

Insert n Characters [MCI \-n]                       ESC [ [n] @@
Cursor Up n Lines [MCI \^n]                         ESC [ [n] A
Cursor Down n Lines [MCI \!n]                       ESC [ [n] B
Cursor Forward n Spaces [MCI \>n]                   ESC [ [n] C
Cursor Backward n Spaces [MCI \<n]                  ESC [ [n] D
Cursor Down n Lines And To Column 1                 ESC [ [n] E
   (Multiple Carriage Return) [MCI \nn]
Cursor Up n Lines And To Column 1                   ESC [ [n] F
   (Opposite Effect Of Above)
Cursor to the beginning of the current line         ESC [     G

Cursor To Row n, Column m [MCI \f0\!n\>m]           ESC [ [n] ; [m] H

Erase To End Of Display                             ESC [ J
Erase To End Of Line                                ESC [ K
Insert Line Above Current Line                      ESC [ L
Delete Current Line                                 ESC [ M

Delete n Chars From Under Cursor Forward            ESC [ [n] P
Scroll Display Up n Lines                           ESC [ [n] S
Scroll Display Down n Lines                         ESC [ [n] T

Set Carriage Return Mode (What Is Transmitted
 Whenever You Hit RETURN)
   RETURN = Line Feed + Carriage Return             ESC [ 20 h
   RETURN = Carriage Return Only                    ESC [ 20 l

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